
🦁 Simple and parallel Node.js task runner

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status MEAN Module npm version Node.js Version


🦁 Simple and parallel Node.js task runner

  • Parallel, all functions are async
  • Simple, no need to write plugins/wrappers, do everything in plain TypeScript / JavaScript
  • Strongly typed, supports TypeScript out of the box


yarn add makhulu

A step-by-step example with comments

More examples at https://github.com/mgenware/makhulu-examples

Use terserjs to uglify all .js files in files folder, and merge the results into one file and write it to dist/bundle.js:

 * Prerequisites:
 * Please install the required packages first:
 * `yarn add makhulu terser`
import * as mk from 'makhulu';
import { minify } from 'terser';

(async () => {
  // Select all .js files as initial data list.
  const srcDir = './files/';
  const files = await mk.fs.src(srcDir, '**/*.js');

  // Enable debug output.
  files.verbose = true;

   * Now the data list is something like:
   * [
   *   {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'a.js',
   *    },
   *    {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'sub/b/js',
   *    },
   *    ...
   * ]

  // Print out data list file paths using `printsRelativeFile`.
  await files.forEach('Source files', mk.fs.printsRelativeFile);

  // Read file contents, now each data entry contains file contents.
  await files.map('Read files', mk.fs.readToString);
   * Now the data list is like (note that "Read file" only adds attributes to the data list, all previous attributes are preserved):
   * [
   *   {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'a.js',
   *      Content: 'blabla',
   *    },
   *    {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'sub/b/js',
   *      Content: 'blabla',
   *    },
   *    ...
   * ]

  // You can change the content to whatever you want, e.g. uglify the content.
  await files.map('Uglify', async (data) => {
    const content = data[mk.fs.FileContent] as string;
    const uglifyRes = await minify(content);
    data[mk.fs.FileContent] = uglifyRes.code;
    return data;
   * Now the data list is like:
   * [
   *   {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'a.js',
   *      Content: 'Uglified content ...',
   *    },
   *    {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'sub/b/js',
   *      Content: 'Uglified content ...',
   *    },
   *    ...
   * ]

  // Now let's merge these files into one file.
  // We need to create a new data list.
  await files.reset('Merge files', async (dataList) => {
    // The name of the merged file.
    const destPath = 'bundle.js';
    // Merge contents of all files into a single string.
    let contents = '';
    dataList.forEach((d) => {
      contents += d[mk.fs.FileContent] as string;
    // Create a new `DataObject`.
    const bundleFileObject = {
      [mk.fs.SrcDir]: srcDir,
      [mk.fs.RelativeFile]: destPath,
      [mk.fs.FileContent]: contents,
    return [bundleFileObject];
   * Now the data list is like:
   * [
   *   {
   *      SrcDir: './files/',
   *      FilePath: 'bundle.js',
   *      Content: 'Merged content',
   *    },
   * ]

  // Call `writeToDirectory` to save the data list to disk, in this case, the `dist/bundle.js` we just created.
  await files.map('Write files', mk.fs.writeToDirectory(`./dist/`));
  await files.forEach('Dest files', mk.fs.printsDestFile);
   * Now the data list is like:
   * [
   *   {
   *      SrcDir: './dist/',
   *      FilePath: 'bundle.js',
   *      Content: 'Merged content',
   *      DestFilePath: './dist/bundle.js',
   *    },
   * ]

Sample output:

🦁 Job started
> 2 item(s)
  { 'file.relative_file': 'a.js', 'file.src_dir': './files/' },
  { 'file.relative_file': 'sub/b.js', 'file.src_dir': './files/' }
> Done in 2ms
🦁 Source files
  { 'file.relative_file': 'a.js', 'file.src_dir': './files/' },
  { 'file.relative_file': 'sub/b.js', 'file.src_dir': './files/' }
> Done in 2ms
🦁 Read files
    'file.relative_file': 'a.js',
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.content': '<file contents>'
    'file.relative_file': 'sub/b.js',
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.content': '<file contents>'
> Done in 3ms
🦁 Uglify
    'file.relative_file': 'a.js',
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.content': '<file contents>'
    'file.relative_file': 'sub/b.js',
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.content': '<file contents>'
> Done in 16ms
🦁 Merge files
> 2 --> 1 item(s)
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.relative_file': 'bundle.js',
    'file.content': '<file contents>'
> Done in 1ms
🦁 Write files
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.relative_file': 'bundle.js',
    'file.content': '<file contents>',
    'file.dest_file': 'dist/bundle.js'
> Done in 4ms
🦁 Dest files
    'file.src_dir': './files/',
    'file.relative_file': 'bundle.js',
    'file.content': '<file contents>',
    'file.dest_file': 'dist/bundle.js'
> Done in 7ms

Common Errors

File content not found on data object

This happens in writeToDirectory when it gets a null or undefined when calling DataObject.get(FS.FileContent). Possible reasons:

  • You forgot to call readToString, or called readToString without the await keyword before calling writeToDirectory.
  • You accidentally set the data entry value to null or undefined, if you want to write to an empty file, set it to an empty string (''), or if you want to remove this file, use DataList.filter or DataList.reset instead.

Relative path not found on data object

writeToDirectory cannot locate the source path of a file, you forgot to call fs.src before writeToDirectory?