A simple button component based on lit.
npm i qing-button lit
disabled: boolean
indicates whether the button is disabled.autofocus: boolean
indicates whether the button is focused when the page loads.href: string
navigates to the given URL when clicked on.disableSelectedStyle: boolean
opts out of default dimmed background when selected.
fires when clicked, doesn't bubble up.
the underlying button.
qing-button.colored-border::part(button) {
border: 4px solid yellowgreen;
border-radius: 10px;
qing-button also has some CSS variables for quick customization.
focus outline color, defaults to 8dc3eb
See demo for more examples.
<qing-button @click=${() => alert('Hello world')}>Default</qing-button>
<qing-button disabled>Disabled</qing-button>
<qing-button autofocus>Auto-focused</qing-button>