u-blox generation 9 GNSS receivers handling library.
Based on the ZED-F9P (u-blox F9 high precision GNSS receiver) documentation.
This is a work in progress project, as I'm implementing what I need along the way. My goal is to keep it as simple and clean as possible, while being as close to the specification as possible too. Everything is related to the official document with links to specific pages/sections in comments (see ubxdefs.py for examples).
As easy as it gets:
# dump u-blox gen9 module messages
import serial
from ublox9 import ublox9stream
sport = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0", 115200, timeout=1)
ub9stream = ublox9stream.Ublox9Stream(sport)
for message in ub9stream:
You can parse UBX messages too:
# parse u-blox gen9 module UBX messages
from ublox9 import ublox9stream, ubxmessage
message = ub9stream.read_ubxmessage()
print( UBXMessage.parse_bytes(message) )
NOTE: not all payloads are implemented yet. Those not implemented will be treated generically.
pip install https://github.com/mgesteiro/ublox9/archive/main.zip
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More information about licenses in Opensource licenses and Creative Commons licenses.