- alessandrosebastianelli
- amanarora9848Yokohama, Japan
- AnushaNarasimhan
- APILASTRIPorto - Portugal
- arecibokck
- chiragbhansali@espice
- ddneves@shiftavenue
- deepsea4
- DemuirgosNethermind
- dograshobhit2431
- Dynamic-Vector
- erikajob91
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- igugras
- iltomasi
- imDmaheshwariBilbao, Spain
- imr555Neovotech
- m00nbyt342 Madrid
- mgg39IBM(intern) & University of Bath(student)
- murphytarra
- mvsg2
- quantumqoder@Capgemini
- restlessankyyyMeta Developer Circle, Google Developers
- ro-sgrMexico City, Mexico
- satfail
- shepardo
- simonhartleyusaQuantinuum
- SoumikSamanta10Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology (IIEST)
- TheHarshal30@InsideLabs-Inc
- tracywhodoesnot
- VatsKan
- waaddlesUnited Kingdom
- WY9888Westwood IPL
- yh08037POSTECH
- yjmaxpayneIHPC/A*STAR and Q.InC/A*STAR
- zmzloisProject Waitless