
Primary LanguageVue


http://ggt3.surge.sh/ Arrive and await your opponent!


To run locally, cd ggt3 && npm i && npm run serve


Vue | Firebase

Future Development

  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Add unit tests
  • Option to play against computer
  • Handle more than 2 players gracefully


Write an application that allows two people, on different computers, to play a game of tic-tac-toe together.

This prompt is intentionally vague on details. You should use this time to ask clarifying questions, ensure you understand the scope of the work, and propose a high-level solution to the problem.


  • Push your commits to this repository as you make progress.
  • Please don't take more than ~3 hours total over the next few days.
  • We have opened up a Slack channel for you to ask questions and get clarification - use it liberally!
  • Once you're done (we typically allot 5 business days), we'll meet to discuss your work.
  • Incomplete solutions are perfectly OK. If there are features you didn't have time to implement, simply document what they are and how you would have implemented them.

Evaulation Criteria

  • Code quality
  • Communication
  • Documentation

Next steps

That's it. Good luck, and have fun!