An implementation of 'Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancements', SIGGRAPH 2017
- 15
HDR data preprocess flow before training
#30 opened by butterl - 34
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tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /media/vision/43c620be-e7c3-4af9-9cf6-c791ef2ed83e/guanyang/hdrnet_legacy-master/hdrnet/lib/ undefined symbol: _Z37BilateralSliceApplyGradKernelLauncherRKN5Eigen9GpuDeviceEPKfPKxS4_S6_S4_S6_S4_bPfS7_S7_
#54 opened by guanyang123 - 3
- 1
cuda.h: No such file or directory
#40 opened by zkk0911 - 0
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Android update??
#53 opened by Junhyuk - 0
Specks on output image when dark
#51 opened by eduardinjo - 7
Always converges to nearly 22dB
#18 opened by bowang007 - 5
ops test core dump
#47 opened by BingWin789 - 2
How do I use the .bin file on the Android platform to generate the "guidance map" in Section 3.4.1 of the paper?
#42 opened by TCBocean - 6
Mismatch with the corresponding paper
#28 opened by zhuyinheng - 1
- 1
#31 opened by zeyaddeeb - 0
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- 3
fatal error: math_functions.hpp
#22 opened by FatimaNiazi01 - 2
ImportError: No module named hdrnet.metrics
#45 opened by SP251 - 0
Can't get bias from checkpoint because of using batch_normalization when training
#46 opened by chenping5121 - 1
Question about your reported 'experts' result
#44 opened by rockeyben - 3
Build "slice" error
#25 opened by BaiYu0120 - 0
Error while python
#41 opened by TigerStone93 - 2
- 1
how run test suite?
#34 opened by iandow - 4
How to prepare tfrecords for training on HDR+?
#20 opened by Awcrr - 3
Problem running the train script
#37 opened by mbakhtiariz - 1
Why some conv layers is_training was False.
#39 opened by logic1988 - 8
Something is wrong on some of the output images?
#38 opened by cfanyyx - 0
python version
#36 opened by hufangjian - 8
The Function of Pretrained Model
#29 opened by XiangyuWu - 2
Some questions about training
#35 opened by logic1988 - 1
Network graph for style_transfer_n model
#33 opened by vikasrs - 2
Preparing data for experts models
#32 opened by vikasrs - 2
Missing Files
#26 opened by FatimaNiazi01 - 2
- 0
train problem
#27 opened by SugarMasuo - 3
Cannot build with TF1.8 and CUDA9.0
#24 opened by cchen156 - 3
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'BilateralSliceApply' with these attrs. Registered devices: [CPU], Registered kernels: device='GPU'
#11 opened by Zealoe - 1
Shape mismatch during training
#23 opened by themetaschemer - 0
Why is the white-level 32767 for HDRpDataPipeline?
#21 opened by Awcrr - 0
What is the format of the 16-bit linear input?
#19 opened by wzl2611 - 1
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Cuda implementation
#16 opened by dragonkao730 - 2
TODO: Add an HDR+ example pair
#7 opened by mgharbi - 1
Possible to get a raw sample image ?
#14 opened by Leo-Mrl - 1
prediction instead of eval_prediction
#15 opened by koszpe - 2
Fusion implementation
#17 opened by dragonkao730 - 0
Getting corrupted output image
#12 opened by j-rev - 2
No module named hdrnet.metrics !!!
#8 opened by HHIR