
SQLite Unity 3d For ( Android , Windows Phone , Windows , IOS, WINRT )

SQLite Unity3d For ( Android , Wondows Phone , Windows , IOS, WINRT )

Connection Database Sqlite how to Create Table , Select , Insert , Update , Delete , Search

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Show Tutorial SQLite Unity3d ( Android , Windows Phone , Windows , IOS, WINRT )


Must Be Add this Refranace

using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

using System;

using System.Data;

using System.IO;

using UnityEngine.UI;

interface enables you to implement a Connectionclass

private string conn, sqlQuery;

IDbConnection dbconn;

IDbCommand dbcmd;

private IDataReader reader;

Database Name

string DatabaseName = "Yourdatabasename.s3db";

For all platform

string filepath = Application.dataPath + "/Plugins/" + DatabaseName;

Application database Path android

string filepath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + DatabaseName;

DatabBase Path for Android

       // If not found on android will create Tables and database

        Debug.LogWarning("File \"" + filepath + "\" does not exist. Attempting to create from \"" +
                         Application.dataPath + "!/assets/Employers");

        // #UNITY_ANDROID
        WWW loadDB = new WWW("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/Employers.s3db");
        while (!loadDB.isDone) { }
        // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
        File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, loadDB.bytes);

Databasde SQLite Path IOS


var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/Raw/" + DatabaseName;
// this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
// then save to Application.persistentDataPath
File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);

DatabBase Path for Windows Phone :


var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/" + DatabaseName;  
// this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
//then save to Application.persistentDataPath
File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);         

DatabBase Path for WINRT


  var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/" + DatabaseName;  
 // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
// then save to Application.persistentDataPath
File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);

open Database SQlite Unity connection

    conn = "URI=file:" + filepath;

    Debug.Log("Stablishing connection to: " + conn);
    dbconn = new SqliteConnection(conn);

To Create Table Sqlite

This Example:

Table Name (Staff) Have ID is PRIMARY KEY , Name, Address

    string query;
    query = "CREATE TABLE Staff (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY   AUTOINCREMENT, Name varchar(100), Address varchar(200))";
        dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand(); // create empty command
        dbcmd.CommandText = query; // fill the command
        reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); // execute command which returns a reader
    catch (Exception e)



To Select Sqlite

string Name_readers, Address_readers;
using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(conn))
        dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database.
        IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand();
        string sqlQuery = "SELECT  Name, Address " + "FROM Staff";// table name
        dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;
        IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Name_readers = reader.GetString(0);
            Address_readers = reader.GetString(1);

            Debug.Log(" name =" + Name_readers + "Address=" + Address_readers);
        reader = null;
        dbcmd = null;

To Insert Sqlite

using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(conn))
        dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database.
        dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand();
        sqlQuery = string.Format("insert into Staff (name, Address) values (\"{0}\",\"{1}\")", name, Address);// table name
        dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;

    Debug.Log("Insert Done  ");

To Update Sqlite

  using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(conn))
        dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database.
        dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand();
        sqlQuery = string.Format("UPDATE Staff set name = @name ,address = @address where ID = @id ");

        SqliteParameter P_update_name = new SqliteParameter("@name", update_name);
        SqliteParameter P_update_address = new SqliteParameter("@address", update_address);
        SqliteParameter P_update_id = new SqliteParameter("@id", update_id);


        dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;

To Search By ID

using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(conn))
        string Name_readers_Search, Address_readers_Search;
        dbconn.Open(); //Open connection to the database.
        IDbCommand dbcmd = dbconn.CreateCommand();
        string sqlQuery = "SELECT name,address " + "FROM Staff where id =" + Search_by_id;// table name
        dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;
        IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Name_readers_Search = reader.GetString(0);
            Address_readers_Search = reader.GetString(1);
            data_staff.text += Name_readers_Search + " - " + Address_readers_Search + "\n";

            Debug.Log(" name =" + Name_readers_Search + "Address=" + Address_readers_Search);

        reader = null;
        dbcmd = null;

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