
Automated Tests for SmartDeviceLink

Primary LanguageLua

Automated Test Framework (ATF)


Library License
Lua libs
liblua5.2 MIT
json4lua MIT
lua-stdlib MIT
Qt libs
Qt5.3 WebSockets LGPL 2.1
Qt5.3 Network LGPL 2.1
Qt5.3 Core LGPL 2.1
Qt5.3 Test LGPL 2.1
Other libs
lpthread LGPL
libxml2 MIT

For ATF usage: sudo apt-get install liblua5.2 libxml2 lua-lpeg

Get source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_atf
$ cd sdl_atf
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update


1 Install 3d-parties developers libraries sudo apt-get install liblua5.2-dev libxml2-dev lua-lpeg-dev

2 Install Qt5.3+

Download Qt5.3+

sudo chmod +x some-qt-build.run

2 Setup QMAKE environment variable to path to qmake export QMAKE=${PATH_TO_QMAKE} You can get path to qmake this way:

$ sudo find / -name qmake

/usr/bin/qmake in most cases does not work as it is just soft link to qtchooser

2 $ make

  1. If during executing "make" command you have the following problem: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: websockets

Solution: You have to change location of qmake in Makefile in atf root directory Find location of qmake executable on your local PC: (It should look like: .../Qt/5.3/gcc_64/bin/qmake)

and put it into Makefile to the line: QMAKE= Sometimes you will need reinstall QT Creator to get correct qmake executable Also you can open QT Creator. Then go to: Tool->Options->Build & Run. Find Qt Versions Tab. Here you can find qmake location.


./start.sh [options] [script file name]

Useful options:

Path to SDL

You can setup path to SDL via command line with --sdl-core option.

Example :

./start.sh --sdl-core=/home/user/development/sdl/build/bin ./test_scripts/ActivationDuringActiveState.lua

Or via config file(modules/config.lua) with config parameter

Example : ATF config : modules/config.lua :

config.pathToSDL = "home/user/development/sdl/build/bin"

also you can copy modules/config.lua to root and rename to local_config.lua. local_config.lua is added to .gitignore

Usage example:

./start.sh -clocal_config.lua ATF_script.lua 

Connect ATF to already started SDL

ATF is able to connect to already started SDL. Note that you should be sure that:

  • ATF is configured not to start SDL
  • SDL is configured not to start HMI
  • mobile and HMI sockets options match each other in SDL and ATF configs.

Example :

ATF config : modules/config.lua :

config.autorunSDL = false
config.hmiUrl = "ws://localhost"
config.hmiPort = 8087
config.mobileHost = "localhost"
config.mobilePort = 12345

SDL config : smartDeviceLink.ini :

; Open the $LinkToWebHMI in chromium browser
LaunchHMI = false
; WebSocket connection address and port
ServerAddress =
ServerPort = 8087
; Listening port form incoming TCP mobile connection
TCPAdapterPort = 12345

Run tests

make test