
Test scripts for sdl_atf

Primary LanguageLua

Build Status

Automated Test Framework (ATF) scripts

This repository contains ATF scripts and data to run it.


Functionality Status Notes
Smoke Test 100% Common mobile APIs check
Mobile API Protocol 95%
App Resumption 10%
SDL 4.0 100%
UTF-8 Check 100%
Safety feature active 100%
Audio/Video Streaming 20% Planned
Policies Not Covered Planned
Heartbeat Not Covered Needs new ATF functionality
SecurityService Not Covered Needs new ATF functionality
Start/End Service Not Covered Planned
Transport Not Covered

Start in Auto mode


For test script automation workstation should be able to build SDL and ATF, also python fabric should be installed. To install all dependencies please execute setup_env.sh. Note that it will ask sudo password to install missed software Note that internet access should be available.


Run all scripts from test_scripts automatically

$ fab -H localhost prepare tests_run

This goals will build all required stuff (SDL, ATF) and execute all scripts. Note that this command will execute test scripts not from you local test_scripts directory but from github.

All parameters like an SDL commit, ATF commit, test scripts commit, work, build, source directories may be changed. For this purpose you can use you own config

fab -H localhost prepare:custom_config=develop_config.py

Manual usage:

  • Setup SDL.
  • Later the SDL sources destination directory is referenced as <sdl_core>
  • Setup ATF
  • Later the ATF sources destination directory is referenced as <sdl_atf>
  • Clone sdl_atf_test_scripts
  • Later the atf test scripts destination directory is referenced as <sdl_atf_test_scripts>

git clone https://github.com/smartdevicelink/sdl_atf_test_scripts <sdl_atf_test_scripts>

  • Copy all files from <sdl_atf_test_scripts> to <sdl_atf> :

cp -r <sdl_atf_test_scripts>/* <sdl_atf>/

  • Place actual HMI_API.xml, MOBILE_API.xml from <sdl_core>/src/components/interfaces/ to <sdl_atf>/data/ :
cp <sdl_core>/src/components/interfaces/HMI_API.xml <sdl_atf>/data/
cp <sdl_core>/src/components/interfaces/MOBILE_API.xml <sdl_atf>/data/
  • Run ATF.

Mandatory options:

  • Pass path to sdl binary dir with --sdl-core command line parameter
  • Pass path to test script as first command line parameter
cd <sdl_atf>/
./start.sh --sdl-core=<sdl_core>/build/bin  ./test_scripts/ATF_Speak.lua

Note, that path to SDL binary dir may be different

You can get additional help of usage ATF:

./start.sh --help

Known Issues

  • Some test cases are failed due to known SDL issues. List of failed test cases available in KnownIssues.md
  • For testing different application types (NAVI, MEDIA, etc...) you need to modify your <sdl_atf>/modules/config.lua after prepare step