
WebApp in RShiny using the package itunesr for iTunes AppStore Review Extraction and Analysis

Primary LanguageR


WebApp in RShiny using the package itunesr for iTunes AppStore Review Extraction and Analysis

Launch this app on Shinyapps.io: https://amrrs.shinyapps.io/itunesr_webapp/

How to Run this:

Method 1

  • Download/Clone the repo in your local machine
  • Open App.R in your Rstudio
  • Install requried packages and click Run button (on the top-right above editor)

Method 2

  • Install required packages in your Rstudio and execute runGitHub('amrrs/itunesr_webapp) in your console

**Please close the web app if you are not using it, since this is hosted in the FREE tier that gives only 20ish active hours**

First Tab: Screenshot

Second Tab: Screenshot
