dpd A program which uses the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method to model the dynamics of polymers in explicit solvent. Current funcionality includes: - Polymer translocation through a nanopore - Polymer tethered to a wall - Free polymer BUILD: Compile all.c in the src directory (requires link to math library). Other options in makefile don't currently work (will change this in the future). RUN: Run in a directory with input file dpd.inp. Or use sub.sh and run.sh to submit jobs to any Sun Grid Engine system. INPUT PARAMETERS: usual/ suggested variable value type description Aff 25.0 float Fluid-fluid conservative force strength Amm 25.0 float Monomer-monomer conservative force strength Amf 15.0 float Monomer-fluid conservative force strength sigma 3.0 float Random force strength gamma 4.5 float Dissipative force strength K 40.0 float Spring constant for FENE force fDrive - float Nanopore driving force Nmon - int Length of polymer chain density 3.0 float Fluid density Lx - float System size, x direction Ly - float System size, y direction Lz - float System size, z direction wallDensity 3.0 float density of wallParticles - Set to <=0 for no wall wallLayers 2 or 3 int Number of wall particle layers poreWidth float Nanopore width (square side length) - Set to <0 for no pore dt 0.04 float Timestep tMax - float Simulation time eqTime - float Time for system to equilibrate freqSamp - int Sampling freqency for calculated quantities freqOut 1000 int Print frequency for sampled quantities ydens 0 1/0 Set to 1 to sample fluid density vs. z yaveTemp 0 1/0 Set to 1 to sample average temperature ymonPos 0 1/0 Set to 1 to print monomer positions vs time