GPXLab is an application to display and manage GPS tracks previously recorded with a GPS tracker.
The idea is to give the user the possibility to combine several tracks into one single file and have statistic information about the summarized tracks or about a single track. Furthermore the user can see all tracks on a map and select there a track and/or a single track point. An altitude and a speed diagram and also a list of the track points offers visual information about the selected item.
The view is divided into seven different parts:
- Statistic information about all tracks
- Calendar for track selection
- Track tree for track selection
- Statistic information about the selected track or track segment
- Map showing all tracks
- Diagram of the selected track or track segment
- List of the track points of the selected track or track segment
Except the map all other parts can be hid to maximize the map view.
- Support opening GPX (v1.0 or v1.1), NMEA and SpoQ files
- Combine several tracks into one single GPX file
- Rearrange the tracks (move/add/delete)
- Modify the meta data of the GPX file and of any tracks inside the file
- Get altitude data from the SRTM database
- Show statistic information about the summarized tracks and about a single track
- Show a map of all tracks
- Show an altitude and a speed diagram
- Show a list of the track points
Currently GPX, NMEA and SpoQ files are supported. If you have a file in another format you may use GPSBabel ( to convert it into a GPX file.
This software is free software and licensed under GPL version 3.
The project is separated in two sub-projects GPXLab and QMapControl. QMapControl is a widget to display a map. Since I had to made some modifications to the original code I added the modified version here. QMapControl is compiled as a library and linked to the main sub-project GPXLab.
Get latest source from master branch using:
$ git clone
Compile source using:
$ cd GPXLab
$ lrelease GPXLab/
$ qmake
$ make
- QCustomPlot Qt Widget:
- QMapControl Qt Widget:
- Nuvola Icons:
- FatCow Icons:
See Changelog.
Author: Frédéric Bourgeois
Latest release:
Latest sources: