Split abnormal mounting behavior MP:0031629
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Fix typo in definition of abnormal mounting behavior MP:0031629
CURRENT DEF: any anomaly in the behavior during which a male typically climbs onto a female adopting a position that facilitates copulation; in mammals, mounting usually consists of a male s standing on his hindlegs and grasping a female s flanks from behind
Split MP:0031629 into increased/decreased child terms
decreased mounting behavior
DEF: reduced number of mounting events, with or without pelvic thrusting and intromission, occurring prior to ejaculation
SYN: reduced mounting behavior
increased mounting behavior
DEF: increased number of mounting events, with or without pelvic thrusting and intromission, occurring prior to ejaculation
Discuss alternative definition of decreased mounting behavior:
ALT DEF: a decreased display, frequency, or duration of mounting activity, with or without pelvic thrusting and intromission, occurring prior to ejaculation
Following discussion with Sue, decided to use ALT DEF.
Added new terms:
decreased mounting behavior MP:0031650
increased mounting behavior MP:0031651