
hypospermia versus oligozoospermia

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This is related to issue #4024, whereby Sue pointed out that hypospermia is low semen volume (not low sperm count) and removed hypospermia as an exact synonym of oligozoospermia MP:0002687 .

Currently, there are 6 instances of hypospermia, annotated to oligozoospermia MP:0002687. It looks like, these terms have been used interchangeably in mouse studies when referring to reduced sperm density in the lumen of the epididymal duct; see PMID: 24652767, and

Given that in some instances these have different meanings but our annotations appear to be correct, I will add back hypospermia as a related synonym for now, until there is a need to add a new term for low semen volume.

Hypospermia has been added back a as a related synonym.