
Game desktop like Tic Tac Toe with java language programming.

Primary LanguageJava


@author Muhammad Gilang Januar at SEMAR Development
@since 2014
@version 1.1.09
Game desktop like Tic Tac Toe with java language programming.

GOMOKU is a modification game of Tic Tac Toe. And "Katanya Gomoku" is a modification game of GOMOKU :p

Features :

  1. Load and save in local and cloud
  2. Change color board and piece
  3. Change board size and win point
  4. ONLINE!
    And others

Bugs & Known Issues

1. Lag
2. Check win when online (fixed 100%: check my commit)
3. Disable step after turn when online (fixed: check my commit)
4. Tell me

Runnable Program

Download my jar file at http://smrdv.cf/gomoku


KatanyaGomoku Documentation API in Indonesian language http://mgilangjanuar.github.io/KatanyaGomoku/


1. Initial build
2. Restart and quit function
3. Add menubar
4. Save and load


  1. Save and load bug fixes
  2. Change board color
  3. Change piece color of player
  4. Change palyer name
  5. Board config
  6. Create and view log program
  7. Play music when gameover
  8. Play online


  1. Save and load to cloud
  2. Online connection bug fixes
  3. Minor changes and bug fixes

Development Guide

The development of this project has stopped. if you want to continue, please write my name in credit section of your project and read how to develop this at http://web.semardev.com/katanyagomoku-development-guide.

This repo only v1.1.09
More question? http://web.semardev.com/katanya-gomoku/