MGScanner is a simple bar code scanner that's easy to use and cute. It was written for Swift.
Initialize MGScanner
var scanner: MGScanner = MGScanner()
scanner.delegate = self
scanner.closeImage = "img.png" // You can use the packaged cancelButton.png
In the previous example, self refers to a UIViewController. You can pass any UIViewController, as long as that UIViewController implements the MGScannerDelegate protocol.
QR Codes
By default the QR Code is turned off (since it's mostly a bar code scanner). But if you need QR code support you can turn it on like this:
scanner.useQR = true
MGScannerDelegate protocol
This protocol only has 1 method. That method is required and is used to send the data back to your application after a code is detected. Here is what is and how to use it
func scannerDidFinishWithCode(code: String, type: String)
// code = the bar code detected
// type = the internal string for the code type (ex: org.gs1.EAN-13)