
Basic S3 access (get, put, delete) library for Vapor written in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

S3 library for Vapor

Basic S3 access library for Vapor written in Swift


  1. Add following package to your Package.swift:
.Package(url: "https://github.com/manGoweb/S3.git", majorVersion: 2)
  1. Run vapor clean

  2. Do vapor xcode


Import the module import S3

Get data from S3

let s3: S3 = try S3(droplet: drop)
let fileData: Data = try s3.get(fileAtPath: "images/image.png")

Upload data to S3

let s3: S3 = try S3(droplet: drop)
let url = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/pro/Dropbox/books/agile-android-software-development.pdf")
try s3.put(fileAtUrl: url, filePath: "books/agile-android-software-development.pdf", accessControl: .publicRead)

Delete data from S3

let s3: S3 = try S3(droplet: drop)
try s3.delete(fileAtPath: "images/image.png")


Looks like this Config/s3.json:

"accessKey": "{your-AWS-accees-key}",
"secretKey": "{your-AWS-secret-key}",
"bucket": "{bucket-name}"

The bucket name is an optional value so you can skip it if you want:

"accessKey": "{your-AWS-accees-key}",
"secretKey": "{your-AWS-secret-key}"


I am getting a badResponse error and my credentials are correct
  • Check if you don't need to set your region, it's one of the optional methods on all put methods
I do all by the book and that crap still doesn't work!!! 🐷 💩
  • Go to Vapor slack channel and ask for @rafiki270, you can scream at him
I got some other problems or improvements
  • Send a merge request, create an issue, Slack me on Vapor channel, @rafiki270

Your manGoweb.cz team