RPG Stats 2000: Example app a la Polymer Settings.
Demo: https://rpg-stats-2000.appspot.com
The version of npm in apt-get is too old for bower.
# Ensure ~/local/bin is on $PATH
$ mkdir ~/local
$ export PATH="$HOME/local/bin:$PATH"
# Install Node
$ mkdir -p /tmp/node-install && cd /tmp/node-install
$ curl http://nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
$ ./configure --prefix=~/local
$ make install
# Install NPM
$ curl https://www.npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
Bower is automatically installed by the makefile.
The makefile will update dependencies, including polymer components and testing libraries:
$ make update
This just checks for npm and bower, and then runs: $ bower update $ npm install
rpg-stats-2000 must be served from a web server. It can be run using Google App Engine, available here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/downloads
or by using python -m SimpleHTTPServer [port]
From the command line:
$ make test
This will launch karma, run the tests and watch the source files for changes. To run once and exit, use:
$ make single-test
Or, you can start karma manually:
$ ./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start
You can shorten this command to 'karma start' if you run 'npm install -g karma-cli'.
To run a single test or test suite, change the test code to use describe.only or it.only as appropriate. You can use the chromium dev tools inside the Chrome instance that karma starts up in order to set breakpoints and otherwise debug.
karma: test runner. Runs the unit tests in an instance of Chrome and pipes the results to the command line. By default, it watches for changes to files and will automatically re-run the tests. To run once and exit, use 'karma start --single-run' or 'make single-test'.
mocha: testing framework. Provides good asynchronous and synchronous test support. Tests run serially, so exceptions are reported for the right test case.
chai: assertion library.