
IN-FET EC project - GitHub repository base

Primary LanguageMATLAB

IN-FET Project: intersectorial research glossary


The two tables available in this repository represent a working document to help intersectorial research involving Neuroscientists, Electrochemists and Electronic Engineers. It aims at facilitating the creation of connections between concepts, models, definitions related to the description of electron devices and circuits in the field of microelectronics with corresponding entities in the field of electrochemistry and neuroscience.

The connections do not necessarily entail a strict correspondence or equality in the definitions. They hint at similarities which also emphasize differences useful to stimulate deepening the knowledge.

These tables are open to contributions by different categories of stakeholders; sort of an intersectorial Wikipedia.

It is a starting point, as it is by no means complete, and aims to stimulate other researchers and scholars in the field and get their contribution enriching it.

If deemed useful for the intended purposes, the table can be structured in sections and ordered, enriched with hyperlinks to references, etc.