Steps to Reproduce

gcloud builds submit --tag

Then create a Cloud Run Job which runs:

npm run db:migrate:apply

And has a DATABASE_URL set to the CloudSQL database URL:


Run a single execution of the job, and then create a CloudRun service based off the same image, with a volume mount to the CloudSQL instance.

To ensure that the reproducer works as expected, you will need to ensure that the networking for the service is setup to use a private VPC network. This doesn't reproduce if you're not using private VPC networking. If you reproduce, you should see:

Cloud SQL connection failed. Please see for additional details: connection to Cloud SQL instance at failed: timed out after 10s

And basically the service will die.

To seed initial data:

curl -X POST https://CLOUDRUN_APP_NAME/create/30000/30

Then to bench, you can use apachebench (installed by default on most Macbooks):

ab -n 50000 -c 100 -v 3 -p -T 'application/json' -s 60000 https://CLOUDRUN_APP_NAME/reproduce