
Primary LanguagePHP


A sweet CLI tool that whips up image ads for any keywords you choose. It's backed by a whopping 1Kb JSON data file but can easily be extended to support MySQL or any other database of your choice.


All you need is PHP 7.1.0+ and Composer for autoload dependencies.

  • PHP 7.1.0+
  • Composer


There are two ways: by downloading the ZIP file or by cloning this repository.

Install from ZIP file

The easiest way is just to download and extract the ZIP file and then from the command line cd to the directory with the composer.json file and run the following:

$ composer install

Install via git clone

Alternatively, you can use git to clone this repository. To clone this repository, run the following in the command line:

$ git clone https://github.com/slicvic/whip.git

When it's finished, run the following two commands:

$ cd whip
$ composer install


To start whipping run the following in the command line and follow the prompt. Enjoy!

$ cd whip/src
$ php whip-cli.php

Here it is in action:

                  Now watch me whip!

1) Data file (leave blank for default) [/home/vagrant/Code/whip/src/../data/cars.json]:
2) Number of images to display: 5
3) Keywords to match: (comma-separated, i.e. red, honda, 2017): honda,red

        Woot woot! Total of 4 result(s) found!
        You asked for 5 but that's all we got!

	URL: https://red-honda-civic-2017.png
	Width: 100
	Height: 100
	URL: https://2018-honda-fit.png
	Width: 200
	Height: 200
	URL: https://honda-accord-sedan-2018-yellow.png
	Width: 300
	Height: 300
	URL: https://2013-cooper-red.png
	Width: 500
	Height: 500