
Repository for my blog post "Handling File Import Processing with NServiceBus Sagas (aka, “Death to the Batch Job”)" (http://www.michaelgmccarthy.com/2015/07/16/disabling-retries-on-web-service-integration-endpoints-aka-how-i-learned-to-deal-with-poison-messages/). This is my take (using NSB 5.x) on Sam Martindale's NSBCon 2014 presentation: Building a Highly Scalable File Processing Platform with NServiceBus. (http://fast.wistia.net/embed/iframe/np7c60nlm5?popover=true). My change to this was instead of making a database call directly in the Saga, I use pub/sub to send a message out of the Saga, have a handler check for me, and then return the results to the Saga.

Primary LanguageC#
