
Apache Nifi cluster running in kubernetes

Kubernetes NiFi Cluster

Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic.

My goal is to show how to run Apache NiFi Cluster in Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes Cluster
  • Ingress Controller


This will deploy Apache NiFi in a Cluster mode with extenal Apache Zookeeper managing ellections:

kubectl apply -k deployments/

NOTE: Remember to update Ingress hostname

This will create:

  • 1x NiFi Namespace (all the items will be deployed here)
  • 3x Apache NiFi (each with it's own Service endpoint)
  • 1x Apache Zookeeper (accessible within the cluster only)
  • 1x Secrets (basic auth username/passowrd: admin:admin)
  • 1x Ingress (access endpoint)

ℹ️ Set Ingress hostname to valid hostname before enabling it in kustomization.yml Important: Remeber to update the default username/password.


kubectl get all,ing


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