
This library is an Open SSL Server Access Point Selector using SPIFFS of ESP-WROOM-32.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

ESP32_WiFi_AP_SSL_Selector BETA 1.0

This library is an Open SSL server Wi-Fi Access Point Selector using SPIFFS of ESP-WROOM-32.
This requires the Arduino core for the ESP32 library.

Since I am building an SSL server of soft AP mode, password transmission seems to be relatively safe.

My Blog: https://www.mgo-tec.com

Change log:

New Release.



Credits and license

*Licensed under the MIT

Copyright (c) 2018 Mgo-tec

openssl_server_example_main.c ( ESP-IDF ) - Modification.
(Licensed under The Public Domain)

Modify SPIFFS_test of sample sketch ( Arduino core for the ESP32 ).

My Blog:

Usage is Japanese, please visit my blog.