
A Collection class to manipulate the arrays with enriched routines and the ability of executing them in chain

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A Collection class to manipulate the arrays with enriched routines and the ability of executing them in chain.


The function 'collection()' exist and accept an array as parameter. This function creates a new Collection object and passing the array as parameter.


In this example, we want to get the first element of the array

echo collection([1, 2, 3])->first();

And the result is:


We want all the emails from the users and omit those having null value.

$users = [
    'name'  => 'John',
    'email' => 'john@doe.com',
    'name'  => 'Clark',
    'email' => null,
    'name'  => 'Jennifer',
    'email' => 'jennifer@email.com',
    'name'  => 'Jimmy',
    'email' => null,

$users = collection($users)->filter(function ($user) {
  return !empty($user);


And the result is:

array(2) {
  [0] =>
  string(12) "john@doe.com"
  [2] =>
  string(18) "jennifer@email.com"

Hope you enjoy it as I do!