
API creation and consumption

Primary LanguageRuby

Sweater Weather

A Module 3 Turing School solo project built with Ruby on Rails. APIs consumed in this project include the DarkSky, GoogleGeocode, and Flickr. I then created a customized weather api. Currently this project is purely backend except a small welcome page, the front end will be built in the next module. Project expectations are located here: http://backend.turing.io/module3/projects/sweater_weather



Getting Started && Prerequisites

API Keys Required:
  • Google defined within as ENV['GOOGLE_API_KEY']
  • DarkSky defined within as ENV['DARKSKY_AIP_KEY']
  • Flickr defined within as ENV['FLICKR_API_KEY']

You will need Rails v 5.2.2.

gem install rails -v 5.2.2

Clone down this repo!

git clone https://github.com/mgoodhart5/sweater_weather


From your terminal, navigate into the Range_society directory:

cd my-sweater-weather

Make sure your gemfile is up to date:

bundle update

Establish a database:

rake db:{drop,create,migrate}

Start your server:

rails s

Open your browser (best functionality in Chrome).


Welcome to the dev environment!



The app is deployed on heroku at: MySweaterWeather This takes you to the root page.

API Endpoints

Current Weather: GET https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/forecast?location=<location>

Account Creation (this will return an api key): POST https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/users?email=<email>&password=<password>&password_confirmation=<password_confirmation>

Login (this will return an api key): POST https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/users?email=<email>&password=<password>

Favoriting Locations: POST https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/favorites?location=<location>&api_key=<api_key>

View Favorite Locations: GET https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/favorites?api_key=<api_key>

Delete a Favorite Location: DELETE https://my-sweater-weather.herokuapp.com/api/v1/favorites?location=<location>&api_key=<api_key>


Your location should be the root directory of the project (sweater_weather).

From the command line run rspec (This can take a moment)

Green is passing. Red is failing.

I used rspec, capybara, launchy, vcr, shoulda-matchers, and simplecov for testing.

Created with

  • Rails
  • Ruby


  • faraday
  • figaro
  • travis