Your Sweater Weather

A Turing School Project created with JavaScript/JQuery (a new language in one week!). Your Sweater Weather is the front end portion of an API project started in Module 3. The backend I created can be found here My Sweater Weather.

Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

Learning Goals

To create a front-end to consume my fully-tested Rails API from Module 3.

  • Create a vanilla JS or jQuery front-end application that makes network requests to an API

Sweater Weather

Getting Started

Clone down this repo:
git clone


cd into your-sweater-weather

In your terminal, run npm install.


This is deployed on github pages at

Running the Server Locally

Sweater Weather

Use the command:

npm start

to run your local server. Once the server is running, visit http://localhost:8080/ to see the application.

Built With

Known Issues

Favorites do not instantly show up once they are added. Favorites can only be deleted in the order they were added. Once all favorites are deleted, this is not reflected until the page is refreshed.