
Contra dance registration and payments site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Registration site

Simple registration / admissions sales site for contra dance events. React app that uses Firebase for database, hosting, and serverless functions back-end.


Setup accounts and CLI tools:

  • Create Firebase account if needed
  • Create GitHub account if needed
  • Install node if needed
  • Install GitHub CLI
  • Install Firebase CLI
  • Install Google Cloud CLI
  • Install Google Cloud CLI beta components: gcloud components install beta
  • Login to the Firebase CLI: firebase login

Copy template project

  • ME: cp -R [TEMPLATE_DIR] [DESTINATION_DIR] && cd [DESTINATION_DIR] && gh repo create [NAME] [--private] --source=. --remote=origin
  • ANYONE ELSE: Fork template project and clone it to a local directory

Erase settings from old project:

bash clear-old-settings.sh

Set configuration options:

  • Update site title and meta content description in public/index.html
  • Update values in config folder files
  • Update favicon (can use this site to generate them)
  • Copy desired logo to public/logo.png and set to desired height (likely <= 80px)
  • Update MiscInfo, OrderSummary, Receipt and other pages as needed
  • Ensure receipt text for all scenarios is as desired!

Create a Firebase project, which will also create a Google Cloud project with the same PROJECT_ID:

firebase projects:create [PROJECT_ID]

Enable billing on Google Cloud account from the Google Cloud console

(Unlikely to actually owe any money for small scale use, but set a billing alert to be safe.)

  1. Setup OAuth consent screen
  • user type: internal
  • values for other fields don't really matter
  • not necessary to add any scopes

Link new project to Google Cloud billing account:

gcloud billing accounts list
gcloud billing projects link [PROJECT_ID] --billing-account [BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID]

Create Firebase web app and add config to .env

  • From Firebase console, click "Add app" and choose the web one
  • Get Firebase web app config values
firebase apps:sdkconfig web
  • Add those values to .env file

Setup database

Setup Stripe or PayPal:

Stripe configuration:

  • On Stripe console, disable all payment methods except Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay
  • Copy the publishable key to the .env file. (Use test key until ready to launch.)
  • set Stripe secret key in functions/.env
  • set Stripe statement_descriptor_suffix in functions/.env (optional)

PayPal configuration:

  • Don't want to accept Venmo? Comment out the venmo line in config.js.
  • Copy the client ID to the .env file. Ignore the secret key. (Use sandbox mode key until ready to launch.)
  • Comment out the lines related to Stripe in functions/index.js

IF COLLECTING ADDRESSES: setup Google Places API for address autocomplete

  • Update allowed-referrers list in google-places-api-flags.yaml file.

Enable google places and maps javascript APIs. (Theoretically can use gcloud services enable via CLI, but may actually need to do from google cloud console.)

gcloud services enable places-backend.googleapis.com --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud services enable maps-backend.googleapis.com --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud beta services api-keys create --flags-file=google-places-api-flags.yaml --project [PROJECT_ID]
  • Copy keyString value to REACT_APP_GOOGLE_PLACES_API_KEY in .env.

Enable reCAPTCHA for Firebase App Check

  • Replace EXAMPLE.COM above with actual domain in command below.
gcloud services enable recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud recaptcha keys create --display-name="recaptcha-enterprise" --integration-type="SCORE" --web --domains="localhost,[PROJECT_ID].web.app,EXAMPLE.COM" --project [PROJECT_ID]
  • Copy site key value to REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY in .env.
  • Enable Firebase App Check
    • choose Recaptcha Enterprise option
    • use site key value from previous step

Copy .env file values over to GitHub Secrets for workflow use:

bash update-github-secrets.sh

Add Firebase Service Account as GitHub Secret:

firebase init hosting:github # answer no to questions, as this is already configured
rm .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-pull-request.yml
  • Update firebaseServiceAccount value in .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-merge.yml to name of GitHub secret set by previous step.

Setup Google Sheets integration:

Setup spreadsheet for recording orders:

  • Make a copy of the template spreadsheet.
  • Update fields/columns as needed in spreadsheet and in functions/fields.js.
  • Determine your spreadsheet ID - the long string of characters (likely between /d/ and /edit)

Enable Sheets API, create Google Cloud service account, update values in functions/.env:

gcloud services enable sheets.googleapis.com --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud iam service-accounts create sheets --project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create tmp.json --iam-account sheets@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com
cat tmp.json
  • Copy client_email from tmp.json into functions/.env as SHEETS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL
  • Copy private_key from tmp.json into functions/.env as SHEETS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY
  • Copy spreadsheet ID (as retrieved earlier) into functions/.env as SHEETS_SHEET_ID
  • Give spreadsheet edit permissions to the service account email: sheets@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com
rm tmp.json

Setup Email Confirmation:

Create a Sendgrid API key, update values in functions/.env:

  • EMAIL_REPLY_TO (if needed)

Deploy Firebase Functions:

cd functions && npm install && cd ..
firebase deploy --only functions

Add error logging for Firebase functions:

Setup logs for appendrecordtospreadsheet Firebase function to notify on severity=(ERROR OR INFO):

  • Do this two-line query:
(resource.type="cloud_function" resource.labels.function_name=("appendrecordtospreadsheet") resource.labels.region="us-central1") OR (resource.type="cloud_run_revision" resource.labels.service_name=("appendrecordtospreadsheet") resource.labels.location="us-central1")
severity=(ERROR OR INFO)
  • then click on "Create alert"


  • Ensure .env is filled in with environment variables
npm install
npm start

Deployment via GitHub workflow and Firebase hosting

  • Ensure all environment variables are set as repo secrets
  • Ensure all environment variables are listed in .github/workflows/firebase-hosting-merge.yml, including firebaseServiceAccount
  • If update Github secrets, must redeploy