
Source code for the AngularJS meetup

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Custom DSL for Angular's $httpBackend and Jasmine matchers

This is a sample application that demonstrates how to write a DSL (domain specific language) to improve your unit tets for an AngularJS application. The test code includes a DSL (called controller test helper) and a few custon Jasmine matchers.

The sample application is called the band app. It has a mongo DB persistence layer, an express REST API, and an Angular application. The code was used to as an example in an Angular meetup.

Here are the instructions to run the code from the meetup.

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FSe8eWcEhsycAZ4PqwvTPQ1wPk-aF1iGvnyo2fe81ic/edit?usp=sharing

Get the code

git clone https://github.com/andresdominguez/angular-meetup.git

Start Mongo DB

Download Mongo DB from http://www.mongodb.org/

Create a directory to hold the data and start mongod:

~/dev/angular-meetup$ mkdir db
~/Downloads/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.3/bin$ ./mongod --dbpath ~/dev/angular-meetup/db/

Get Node

Download and install http://nodejs.org/

Install dependencies

~/dev/angular-meetup$ npm install
~/dev/angular-meetup$ ./node_modules/bower/bin/bower install

Run the server

~/dev/angular-meetup$ node server.js

See the app

Open your browser http://localhost:3000/


Get Karma (you may need to use sudo)

npm install -g karma

And then start Karma

gular-meetup$ karma start