Gerrymandering Simulator

A simulator for detecting potential bias in an MxN districting grid


The only package required for running the simulator is numpy. It is installable via pip:

$ pip install numpy


The simulator takes a JSON file as input detailing the districting, see example3x3.json for an example 3x3 districting.

For generating 10 5-step simulations on the 3x3 grid defined in example3x3.json, the command would be the following:

$ python --steps 5 --num-simulations 10 --file example3x3.json

The command line args can be viewed with the -h flag:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] -s STEPS -n NUM_SIMULATIONS -f FILE

Run the gerrymandering simulator on an nxn grid

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s STEPS, --steps STEPS
                        Number of steps to take for the random walk
                        Number of simulations to run
  -f FILE, --file FILE  JSON file representing the grid to simulate on


There are two units of output for the simulation. one is a file of the form XXXXXX-results which prints out all of the districtings that were achieved during the simulations to a file.

There is also a graph printed showing the distribution of the Efficiency Gap values for the simulation like so: