
Website for se-unlocked.com - a software engineering podcast.

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Draft of the SE Unlocked Website

🚀 The Goal

  1. Replace the slow WP-based website with a fast Gatsby site

    Right now, se-unlocked.com runs on WordPress. Although, I have been happy with WP for quite some time, I always experienced issues with the performance. So, it's now time to move the webiste to Gatsby. The bare bones of this endeavor is done so far, but the website isn't fully functional. In addition, it's rather ugly.

  2. Plan of attack

    The current approach to improving this draft website is to compare the old website (https://www.se-unlocked.com) with the current draft version (https://se-unlocked.netlify.app/). All differences can be seen as issues that can be worked on. You are more than welcome to propose your own issues, and work on parts that interest you are that match your skills.

  3. Improve UI

    The UI should mainly resemble the old website - unless there are good reasons or better options to make it more accessible, and more visual appealing.

  4. Add complete "old" functionality

    The old website had a couple of more pages, and functionalities. All of those should be added to this site before the switch can be made.

  5. Improve markdown files

    The markdown files have been automatically extracted from Word press. This means the content and markdown structure is not reflecting what we need right now. All old markdown files need to be transformed to a new structure. For more information on the structure look at the issues that mention transforming markdown file to new strutcure.

See the Draft in action

The main branch of this repository is continuously deployed to Netlify. You can see the current status here: https://se-unlocked.netlify.app/

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