

At current stage this package is a clone of

A svelte directive that will trap focus within an element. You can navigate child focusable elements with up, down, tab, shift + tab, alt + tab. I have attempted to match the accesibility best practices listed here.

This could be useful if you wanted to trap focus within something like a modal. When you gotta... focus-lock and focus-wrap.

  • Does not auto focus the first item.
  • When pressing down or tab:
    • When the known focusables are not focused, gives focus to the first item.
    • If focus is on the last known focusable, it gives focus to the first item.
    • Gives focus to the next item.
  • When pressing up or shift+tab or alt+tab:
    • When the known focusables are not focused, gives focus to the last item.
    • If focus is on the first known focuable, it gives focus to the last item.
    • Gives focus to the previous item.
  • When pressing home:
    • Gives focus to the first item.
  • When pressing end:
    • Gives focus to the last item.
  • Attempts to skip hidden items and items with display none of tabindex="-1".


  • Demo
  • Tests + Ci


npm install --save-dev svelte-focus-lock


  import { focusLock } from 'svelte-focus-lock/src/FocusLock.svelte'

{#if showing}
    <!-- ...modal contents -->


This project is licensed under the MIT License.