
SDK and client library for MyWeb.IO

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

MyWeb.io SDK and client library

This library allows you to write web applications for Android. It works with Android application available on Google Play.

To find out more please visit myweb.io


You can build project by invoking on console:

 $ ./gradlew build

API Overview

Simple GET

public String get() {
	return "Hello, World!";

Getting data from URL

public String dataFromUrl(int id, String name) {
	return name + id;

Getting data from query string

public String queryString(int id, String name) {
	return name + id;

Please note that if request comes without query string (just "/query") then in our example method queryString() receives values id=0 and name=default.

Content-Type of response

public String produces() {
	return "{ id = 1 }";

Inject android.content.Context

public InputStream assets(Context ctx, String filename) throws IOException {
	return ctx.getAssets().open(filename);

Response as Response object

public Response response(Context ctx, String filename) throws IOException {
  InputStream is = ctx.getAssets().open(filename);
  return Response.ok()

Returning JSON

public Response json(String name, int id) throws JSONException {
	JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
	json.put("name", name);
	json.put("id", id);
	return Response.ok().withBody(json);

Building myweb.io-enabled project

In order to use myweb.io API you need to add few lines in build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'android-apt'
buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.3'
dependencies {
  compile 'io.myweb:mywebio-api-aar:0.1-SNAPSHOT'
  apt 'io.myweb:mywebio:0.1-SNAPSHOT'

That's it! Now you can enter

http://ip:8080/your.app.pkg/[your services]

in a web browser and see how it works.