
Backend application for municHMotorsport's driverless monitoring tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Driverless Cockpit Backend

Backend application for municHMotorsport's driverless monitoring tool. It acts...

  • ...as an interface for client applications to access live data from the vehicle.
  • ...as an API that offers recording functionality and handles caching, persistence and retrieval of recorded data.


System requirements

  • Node.js v6.2.2 or higher
  • Bower
  • MongoDB v3.2.3


Dummy Data

The current version of Driverless Cockpit does not support network connections to a real car. It therefore relies on previously generated mockup data that is stored in a CSV file on your local machine. The structure of the file must look like this:

timestamp [s] steeringWheelAngle [rad] pathMiddleLineX [m] pathMiddleLineY [m] vehicleX [m] vehicleY [m] vehicleVX [m/s] vehicleVY [m/s]  vehicleYawrate [1/s] frontwheelLeftAngle [rad] frontwheelRightAngle [rad]
0 0 2.0992 -0.052198 0.94976 -0.019921 0 0 -1.45E-11 -4.79E-08 5.40E-08
 0.1 -0.67156 2.0993 -0.0522 0.94973 -0.019889 -0.00028446 0.00041255 3.09E-05 -0.25194 -0.26369
0.2 -0.17308 2.1296 -0.053375 0.97837 -0.021429 0.69818 -0.022324 -0.0301 -0.066667 -0.064819
0.4 -0.0634 2.4972 -0.068916 1.3454 -0.034595 3.0327 -0.03397 -0.048808 -0.026019 -0.022221
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Download a sample file here.

Important: You must specify the path to the file on your local machine in the environment variable FSD_MOCKDATA_PATH.

MongoDB instance

Make sure you have a running mongod instance on standard mongo port: localhost:27017 before attempting to start the app.

Optional: Cache length

When recording data, each timeframe is cache in-memory for 30000 ms (30 seconds) by default. Change the cache length by setting the environment variable FSD_CACHE_TTL to an integer value (in ms).

Run the app

Start the app by hitting npm start in the app's root directory.

Access the API at http://localhost:3000/.

API Documentation

GET /appstate

Returns information about the current status of the application:

	"activeRecording": null || {		// null if no recording active
		"id": <ObjectID>,				// ID of active recording
		"start": <Integer>				// start of recording (epoch timestamp)
	"connected": <Boolean>,				// is app connected to car?
	"recording": <Boolean>				// is app currently recording?

GET /livestats

Returns the last timeframe the car has sent. Example:

	"timestamp": 1521115708789,
	"steerAngle": -0.27185,
	"pathMiddleX": 16.692,
	"pathMiddleY": -6.0516,
	"vehicleX": 16.311,
	"vehicleY": -4.8649,
	"vehicleVelocityX": 9.8645,
	"vehicleVelocityY": -0.3053,
	"vehicleRotation": -0.6226,
	"frontwheelLeftRotation": -0.10325,
	"frontwheelRightRotation": -0.10341

GET /recording/start

Start a new recording. Returns:

  • Application status object similar to /appstate if recording started sucessfully
  • HTTP 500 error if something went wrong

GET /recording/active/:since

Get all frames newer than :since of active recording.


  • :since - epoch timestamp, usually the newest timeframe your client app has received


	"id": <ObjectID>,						// ID of active recording
	"start": <Integer>,						// start time of active recording (epoch timestamp)
	"chunk": {
		"first": <Integer>,					// timestamp of first frame included in response
		"last": <Integer>					// timestamp of last frame included in response
	"frames": [								// frames as in /livestats, sorted ascending by timestamp 
			"steerAngle": 0.38624,
			"pathMiddleX": 11.741,
			"pathMiddleY": 31.235,
			"vehicleX": 12.93,
			"vehicleY": 30.466,
			"vehicleVelocityX": 9.5709,
			"vehicleVelocityY": 0.43311,
			"vehicleRotation": 0.95815,
			"frontwheelLeftRotation": 0.14871,
			"frontwheelRightRotation": 0.14665,
			"timestamp": 1521116122009


Stop active recording. Returns:

  • Application status object similar to /appstate if recording stopped sucessfully
  • HTTP 500 error if something went wrong


Returns a list of all recordings stored in the database.

		"_id": <ObjectID>,				// ID of recording
		"start": <Integer>,				// start time (epoch)
		"end": null || <Integer>,		// end time (epoch)
		"writeActive": <Boolean>		// true if this is the active recording