
A super-quick tool for bootstrapping local frontend playgrounds

Primary LanguageShell


This is a script for setting up a super-quick local playground for frontend development. You can choose between:

  • a barebones HTML project
  • a simple Webpack setup that will allow you to install and import npm dependencies out of the box.

Once installed, you can hit play <playground-name> in your Terminal and the util will bootstrap the project if necessary, fire up a dev server, open the page in the browser and the project in VS Code.


This script relies on the following software to be installed and set up on your machine:


Clone or download this repo to any location on your machine.

Add the ./script/ directory from this repo to your $PATH. I use bash, so I add the following line to ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=/path/to/playground-util/script/:$PATH

Create a directory ~/code/_playgrounds/

$ mkdir ~/code/_playgrounds/

Finally, restart your Terminal.app to apply the changes.


$ play playground-name

will create a directory called "playground-name" inside the ~/code/_playgrounds/ directory, create the index.html, fire up a http-server, open the page in your browser and open the directory in VS Code.

If a directory ~/code/_playgrounds/playground-nanme/ already exists, it will open the existing one instead.

$ play playground-bundled --webpack

will setup a copy of playground-template-webpack. For all subsequent boots of this project, calling play playground-bundled will be sufficient. The util will auto-detect that this is a webpack project.

$ play ls

will output a list of all existing playgrounds.