
Stateless CLI tool to sync calendars across different calendaring systems.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Stateless CLI tool to sync calendars across different calendaring systems.


As consultants you may need to use multiple calendars (2-n). Additionally you need to keep up with all existing appointments in each of your calendars when you want to make new appointments. This means you have to check each calendar on its own. What we wanted to achieve is a single overview over all events in each of the calendars. Preferrably in your primary calendar.

There are some commercial / freemium solutions for this (reclaim.ai, SyncThemCalendars), but their privacy policy is unclear. Calendar data is not only highly interesting personal data (who participates in which appointment and when?) but also highly interesting from an industrial espionage/targeted advertising perspective. The two third party providers get to see the content of the calendar events. In good appointments, there is a lot of secret and relevant company data in the appointment agenda.

To keep track of all the events, we created CalendarSync, which allows the syncing of events without breaking data protection laws and without exposing data to a third party.

How to use

Download the newest release for your platform, create a modified sync.yaml file based on the content of the ./example.sync.yaml file. Finally, start the app using ./calendarsync --config sync.yaml --storage-encryption-key <YourSecretPassword> and follow the instructions in the output.

The app will create a file in the execution folder called auth-storage.yml. In this file the OAuth2 Credentials will be saved encrypted by your storage-encryption-key.


The CalendarSync config file consists of four building blocks:

  • sync - Controls the timeframe to be synced
  • source - Controls the source calendar to be synced from
  • sink- Controls the sink (target) calendar where the events from the source calendar are written to
  • transformations - Controls the transformers applied to the events before syncing


Should be self-explanatory. Configures the timeframe where to sync events. The currently only implemented identifiers are MonthStart and MonthEnd.

    identifier: MonthStart # 1st of the current month 
    offset: -1 # MonthStart -1 month (beginning of last month) 
    identifier: MonthEnd # last day of the current month 
    offset: +1 # MonthEnd +1 month (end of next month)



    type: "outlook_http" 
    calendar: "[base64-formatstring here]" 
      clientId: "[UUID-format string here]" 
      tenantId: "[UUID-format string here]" 

Configures the Source Adapter, for the adapter configuration, check the documentation here.

Available Source Adapters

  • Google
  • Outlook
  • ZEP



    type: google 
    calendar: "target-calendar@group.calendar.google.com" 
      clientId: "[google-oAuth-client-id]"
      clientKey: "[google-oAuth-client-key]" 

Configures the Sink Adapter, for the adapter configuration, check the documentation here.

Available Sink Adapters

  • Google
  • Outlook


Basically, only the time is synced. By means of transformers one can sync individual further data. Some transformers allow for further configuration using an additional config block, such as the ReplaceTitle transformer. Below is a list of all transformers available:

  - name: KeepDescription
  - name: KeepLocation
  - name: KeepReminders
  - name: KeepTitle
  - name: PrefixTitle 
      Prefix: "[Sync] "
  - name: ReplaceTitle 
      NewTitle: "[synchronized appointment]" # Do not use KeepAttendees when the Outlook Adapter is used as a sink. There is no way to suppress mail invitations
  - name: KeepAttendees 
      UseEmailAsDisplayName: true 

The transformers are applied in a specific order. The order is defined here: internal/sync/transformer.go

Cleaning Up

You just synced a lot of events in your calendar and decide you want to use a separate calendar for this? Or you simply want to remove all the synced events from your calendar?

Use the --clean flag to get rid of all the unwanted events. (We leave your events which were't synced with CalendarSync alone! :) )


GOOGLE is a trademark of GOOGLE INC. OUTLOOK is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation

Relevant RFCs and Links

RFC 5545 Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) is used in the google calendar API to denote recurrence patterns. CalDav RFC 4791 uses the dateformat specified in RFC 5545.
