
Snapshot sometimes is failing

ronjunevaldoz opened this issue · 1 comments

Snapshot sometimes is failing, looking forward that we can get the latest version release. I'm using the snapshot features, unfortunately whenever there is new update in the snapshot, the library fails.

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':server:runtimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve com.github.mgsx-dev.gdx-gltf:gltf:-SNAPSHOT.
  Required by:
      project :server > project :core
   > Could not resolve com.github.mgsx-dev.gdx-gltf:gltf:-SNAPSHOT.
      > Unable to load Maven meta-data from
         > Could not HEAD ''.
            > Read timed out
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':server:runtimeClasspath'.
> Could not resolve com.github.mgsx-dev.gdx-gltf:gltf:-SNAPSHOT.
  Required by:
      project :server > project :core
   > Could not resolve com.github.mgsx-dev.gdx-gltf:gltf:-SNAPSHOT.
      > Unable to load Maven meta-data from
         > Could not HEAD ''.
            > Read timed out

it should be master-SNAPSHOT but it's not a good idea to depends on snapshots anyway. Better using a release version (eg. 2.0.0-rc.1) or a commit hash (eg. 51793cd539) if you really need a fix.
FYI, i'll release a 2.1.0 very soon.