
My tinycc fork: hopefully, better OSX support, EFI targets, and ???

Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

andreiw's tinycc changes

This tree adds:

  • some bare minimum OSX support (merged).
  • support for generating ARM64 PE32+ images (not yet merged).
  • support for generating X64, ARM64, IA32 (untested) and ARM (untested) UEFI images (not yet merged).
  • a "Hello, World!" UEFI example in examples/uefi (not yet merged).
  • a UEFI-targetting compiler (x86_64-uefi-tcc and arm64-uefi-tcc), that can be built (Tiano EDK2) to be hosted on UEFI (not yet merged).

OSX support

Today this includes some basic build support (CONFIG_OSX) in ./configure and ./Makefile. It also makes the '-run' mode function, allowing tcc to open up libc.dylib.


$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./tcc -B. -I./include -I. -I.. -D_ANSI_SOURCE -run examples/ex1.c
Hello World

ARM64 PE32+ images

The targets are arm64-win32-tcc and arm64-uefi-tcc. libtcc1 is not built, so this is only useful for standalone code, such as UEFI images.

UEFI images

This example requires a Tiano Core source tree:

#include <Uefi.h>

CHAR16 *gHello = L"Hello from a TinyCC compiled UEFI binary!\r\n";

_start(EFI_HANDLE Handle,
       EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable)
  SystemTable->ConOut->OutputString(SystemTable->ConOut, gHello);
  return EFI_SUCCESS;


$ x86_64-win32-tcc -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/ -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/X64/  efitest.c  -Wl,-subsystem=efiapp -nostdlib -o efitest.x64.efi
$ arm64-win32-tcc -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/ -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/AArch64/  efitest.c  -Wl,-subsystem=efiapp -nostdlib -o efitest.aa64.efi

Or, with the UEFI-targetting compiler, which is is a subset of the win32 compiler.

$ x86_64-uefi-tcc -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/ -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/X64/ efitest.c -o efitest.x64.efi
$ arm64-uefi-tcc -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/ -I ../edk2/MdePkg/Include/AArch64/ efitest.c -o efitest.aa64.efi

Running (on the appropriate architecture, of course!):

fs0:\> efitest.aa64.efi
Hello from a TinyCC compiled UEFI binary!

A similar example is already present in examples/uefi. To build:

$ make -C examples/uefi


This has only been validated with X64 and AArch64. To build, you need an EDK2 tree. Use the TCCInUEFI.inf build file. This will get you a compiler equivalent to x86_64-uefi-tcc/arm64-uefi-tcc.

Also see https://github.com/andreiw/UefiToolsPkg, which might be an easier way of building my private TinyCC tree for UEFI.

fs16:> tcc hello.c
fs16:> hello.efi
Hello, World!

Note: too lazy to copy headers, so far only tested building pre-processed files (-E is your friend).