This is a basic Node application with an Express/MySQL backend. Features include standard todo list functionality: add, toggle, edit, and delete todos, all stored in a MySQL database.
This app is deployed on Heroku and can be found here. Note: Becuase this is a Heroku app initial load my be slow.
# Clone
git clone && cd express-mysql-todo
# Install
npm i
# Start
npm run start
# Watch (optional)
npm i nodemon -g
npm run watch
Enter a todo and press enter or click the +. New todos are added to Pending. Todo names cannot be blank.
Click on a todo name to edit it. Press enter or click away to save it. This also cannot be blank.
Click the ☐ or ☑ on the left of each todo to set it to complete or incomplete. Completed todos will be moved to Done.
Click the x on the right of each todo to delete it.
- Error handling needs to be more robust, i.e. handling database disconnects, bad requests, etc.