
Showcases how to implement a simple Kafka-backed application using Avro as serialization framework.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring Kafka for Event Processing

Build Status

This repository contains a simple solution that demonstrates the integration of Kafka into a Spring Boot application using Spring for Apache Kafka (2.6.5), while leveraging Apache Avro as serialization framework for encoding events that are persisted to a Kafka log. The code presented in this repository is the joint work of Boris Fresow and Markus Günther as part of an article series on Building Event-based applications with Spring Kafka for the German JavaMagazin.


This repository is structured into several smaller Maven modules, each highlighting a different aspect.

Module Purpose
springkafka-eventprocessing-serialization Contains the Avro schema for turbine metrics and the auto-generated Java types for it.
springkafka-eventprocessing-generator Periodically generates turbine metrics and writes them to a Kafka log. Integrates Avro using TurbineMetricsSerializer, a custom Kafka serializer that is able to map instances of TurbineMetrics to a byte[].
springkafka-eventprocessing-feeder Implements a batch consumer that reads TurbineMetrics of a Kafka log and processes them. This might be the basis for a simple feeder application that reads and transforms data before committing it to another system, e.g. an Elasticsearch cluster. Integrates Avro using TurbineMetricsDeserializer, a custom Kafka deserializer that is able to map byte[] to a instance of TurbineMetrics for further processing.


Running the showcase requires a working installation of Apache ZooKeeper and Apache Kafka. Please make sure that Docker as well as Docker Compose are installed on your system.


Application Version Docker Image
Apache Kafka 2.6.0 wurstmeister/kafka:2.13-2.6.0
Apache ZooKeeper 3.4.13 wurstmeister/zookeeper

Building and Running the Containers

Start the resp. containers using the provided docker-compose script (cf. docker/docker-compose.yml). Simply issue

$ docker-compose up

for starting Apache Kafka and Apache Zookeeper. Stopping the containers is best done using a separate terminal and issuing the following commands.

$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose rm

The final rm operation deletes the containers and thus clears all state so you can start over with a clean installation.

For simplicity, we restrict the Kafka cluster to a single Kafka broker. However, scaling to more Kafka brokers is easily done via docker-compose. You will have to provide a sensible value for KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME (other than localhost) for this to work, though.

$ docker-compose scale kafka=3   # scales up to 3 Kafka brokers
$ docker-compose scale kafka=1   # scales down to 1 Kafka broker after the previous upscale

After changing the number of Kafka brokers, give the cluster some time so that all brokers can finish their cluster-join procedure. This should complete in a couple of seconds and you can inspect the output of the resp. Docker containers just to be sure that everything is fine. Kafka Manager should also reflect the change in the number of Kafka brokers after they successfully joined the cluster.


This work is released under the terms of the MIT license.