Marjy's resume in Azure
Steps link to challenge
- AZ-900 Certification ✅
- HTML & CSS (using Bootstrap template) ✅
- JavaScript - visitor counter using count api
- Static website - link
- HTTPS / Azure CDN - Link
- DNS / Azure DNS - Point a custom DNS domain name to the Azure CDN endpoint (domain purchased ✅)
- Database - use the Table API of CosmosDB, serverless capacity mode
- API - create an API that accepts requests from your web app and communicates with the database. use Azure Functions with an HTTP trigger
- Python - write code for above Azure SDK
- Tests - test your code
- IaC - create ARM template on consumption plan
- Source Control - use this repo so you can update front and backend
- CI/CD - backend GH Actions to push updates to ARM template or Python code. After tests pass, app should get packaged and deployed to Azure
- CI/CD - frontend - create 2nd repo and GH actions to push new website code, and blob auto-updates
- write blog post