
Primary LanguagePython

CS 4444: Artificial Intelligence [Final Project]


authors: Aaron Dupont, Blake Allen, Harry Ly, Christopher Schayer, Matthew Guidry, Wilson Zhu
purpose: the following project is to teach our AI how to operate a bipedal-walker

instructions to set up:

  • setup a conda env with python3.4 and activate
    • create conda environment -> conda create -n py34 python=3.4
  • install pybox2d thru conda -> conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/kne pybox2d
  • install openai's gym thru pip -> pip install --user gym
  • install neat thru pip -> pip install --user neat-python
  • install graphviz thru pip -> pip install --user graphviz
    • also install the graphviz application using the standard application manager
  • install matplotlib thru pip -> pip install --user matplotlib

how to run:

  • how to run -> python main.py
  • optional arguments:
    • run in parallel: -t [# of threads] note: this largely depends on how many cores your cpu has
    • run from checkpoint: -f [path of the checkpoint file] note: you need this if you want to use the replay functionality
    • render: -m replay


  • abstract: due Oct. 9th
  • setup neural network
  • rename this repo to something else
  • format Chris's ugly code
  • tweak neural network to pass condition
  • write a logger for the program
  • add a visual representation of the neural network
  • ~~start experimental phase (compare to other neural networks) ~~
  • write up report
  • make powerpoint slides for presentation (reserved for Aaron, Blake, and Harry)