
Microservice in Hexagonal Architecture + DDD + CQRS in PHP using Lumen and Symfony

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PHP Microservice example using DDD, Hexagonal and best practices

Lumen 8 Symfony 5 PHP PhpStorm Docker MySql SQLite Github Actions

This is a repo containing a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) principles.

It's a basic implementation of a User - Role manager. There is a version implemented using Lumen framework and another one using Symfony framework.
Both shares the same domain logics implemented in the src folder.

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  • Clone this project: git clone https://github.com/mguinea/php-ddd-microservice-example php-ddd-microservice-example
  • Move to the project folder: cd php-ddd-microservice-example
  • Create a local environment file cp .env.example .env
  • Change (if required) ports and any other environment variables in .env file


Install all the dependencies and bring up the project with Docker executing: make install

Then you'll have 2 apps available (an api made using Lumen and the same one made using Symfony):

  1. Lumen API: http://localhost:8180/lumen/api/v1/health-check
  2. Symfony API: http://localhost:8180/symfony/api/v1/health-check


Install the dependencies if you haven't done it previously: make composer-install

Execute all test suites: make tests



Project structure and explanation

Bounded contexts

src folder contains the bounded context responsible for the management of users and roles and their relations.

Architecture and Structure

This repository follows the Hexagonal Architecture pattern. Also, it's structured using modules. With this, we can see that the current structure of the Bounded Context is:

$ tree -L 2 src

├── Application
│   ├── Role
│   └── User
├── Domain
│   ├── Role
│   ├── Shared
│   └── User
└── Infrastructure
    ├── Role
    ├── Shared
    └── User


Repository pattern

Our repositories try to be as simple as possible usually only containing basic CRUD methods (delete, find, save and search). If we need some query with more filters we use the Specification pattern also known as Criteria pattern. So we add a searchByCriteria method.


There is an implementation using Eloquent for Lumen and another one made by using PDO for Symfony


We are using symfony messenger to implement buses for Lumen and Symfony implementations.

My conventions

There are some opinionated resolutions / approaches in this project.

Generic methods (CRUDs)
  • get retrieve an entity. If not found, throws an exception.
  • find retrieve an entity. If not found, return null.
  • delete delete an entity. If not found, throws an exception.
  • create create an entity. If found, throw an exception.
  • update update an entity. If not found, throws an exception.
  • search retrieve a collection of entities by criteria. If nothing found, returns an empty collection.
  • listing retrieve a collection of entities with no criteria. If nothing found, returns an empty collection.