
This is a python3 lib built on top of datetime that does stardates.

There are a few formats for stardate, only a few of which have specific concrete requirements on how to handle date:

  • The format used in the new movies has been explicitly laid out, and is included in this lib. It consists of:
    • The current year
    • the number of days today is into the year
  • TNG's stardate format is incredibly vague, so I gave it my best shot. Here's what i came up with:
    • The first digit is the last digit of the century. This is canon.
    • The next part, canonically, is the season. Here in the real world, we don't have those, so I just used years since 2000
    • From here there are 2-3 more digits specified, but they are inconsistent throughout the show as well as being entirely unexplained. In order to fill this slot, I used the number of weeks we are into the year.
    • The last digit is preceded by a decimal point. According to the creators, is a day counter for days in the week.

I would have done another function for original series format stardate, but such a library exists, and I was not in the mood to create another set of arbitrary rules, especially when it conflicts with an existing protocol.