
connectivity gateway

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connectivity gateway

NOTE: features described with [beta] or [alpha] are not considered stable in the current version and therefore not recommended for production use.


see General Usage for general installation overview.

upgrade of the helm chart

When configurations or secrets are changed, the pods will be redeployed automatically. This will cause a short interruption of the traffic at the moment.

Current Documentation

The new documentation is split in four different parts.

Depending wheter you learn better top down or bottom up, it makes sense to start with Concepts or Tutorials.

The How Tos expect you to have a basic understanding of CGW and its components, as the settings will not be explained in details, when they are not specific to the How to itself.

Additional documents of CGW with specific topics

Old Configuration Documentation

Starting Point

Many people using the values.yaml from this Helm chart as a starting point for their own configuration. This is in general considered a bad habit, because it contains quite some values, which are considered implementation detail and should not be changed besides during development of CGW itself.

Therefore please start with the following configuration example.

  enabled: true

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

  enabled: false

Due to compatibility with recent versions, there are some modules, which are enabled by default. With the above configration you get a minimal pod with just the debug container enabled. Please follow the below configuration documentation to enable and configure the necessary components for your deployment.


NOTE: If the manual configuration is used, the ping-prober must be disabled!! (see ping-prober)

disable setting of routes

If Strongswan shall not install routes into its routing table, you have to set the value ipsec.vti_key: true. This is strongly advised, when using VTI interfaces and route-based VPN.

disable IPsec service

By default a service will be created, which exposes the IPsec ports. It is advised to disable the service, if a public IP is used inside the pod.

To disable it set the following:

    enabled: false

Deprecation: The service will be disabled by default in the future.


BIRD Internet Routing Daemon

To use BGP in the CGW deployment, you can enable BIRD as follows:

  enabled: true # default is false
    bird: |
      < add the bird IPv4 configuration here>
    bird6: |
      < add the bird6 IPv6 configuration here>

At the moment, you have to configure BIRD manually following the BIRD documentation.

The version used is 1.6 which differs in its configuration from version 2.0.

Further, the bird container is configured to log to standard out, but if you want to have info logs with timestamps, you should add the following to the respective bird and bird6 configuration:

log stderr all;

see: https://bird.network.cz/?get_doc&v=16&f=bird-3.html#ss3.2


By default bird_exporter will be enabled, when bird is enabled and expose prometheus metrics for BIRD.

To disable bird_exporter or change images or annotations, change the following parameteres:

    enabled: true # default
        prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
        prometheus.io/port: "9324"
      repository: openvnf/bird_exporter
      tag: v0.1.0
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

bird configwatcher

To observe the bird configs and applying new configs automatically without restarting BIRD, bird-configwatcher can be used.

To enable bird-configwatcher or change images, adjust the following parameteres:

    enabled: true # default is false
      repository: quay.io/openvnf/bird-configwatcher
      tag: v0.1.1
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent


There are two different ways available of connecting this service with another container.

The first one is the manual way, where the partners have to be configured with values. The second one is using the vxlan-controller and the vxlans can be configured using annotations.

manual VXLAN setup [deprecated]

This feature might be deleted in future versions and is no longer supported!

VXLAN endpoints inside the CGW can be created by adding a configuration under the vxlan key.

For example:

  enabled: true
    - name: conn1
      peer: <ip or fqdn of peer>
      bridge: true
      id: 42
      ipaddr: <ip address added to the created interface>
      # mandatory when bridge: true
      # if multiple interfaces shall be bridged,
      # add them as a space seperated list
      bridged_ifaces: eth1
      # bridged_ifaces: "eth1 eth2 net0"
      bridge_name: <name of bridge> # optional: defaults to br0      

Multiple interfaces can be added by adding more entries to the list of connectors. enabled has to be explicitly set.

VXLAN-Controller configuration

To use the vxlan-controller add the following section to the configuration:

  enabled: true
  # The following two values are used to set the key names for the key names
  # and can be infrastructure specific:
  # annotationKey: vxlan.travelping.com/networks
  # metadataKey: vxlan.travelping.com
  names: "vxeth0, vxeth1"
  - interface: vxeth1
    addr: ""
    type: ip
  - interface: bridge0
    type: bridge
      - gre9
      - vxeth0
  - interface: gre9
    type: interface
    action: up
  - " via"
  - " via"

The networks have to be configured already by the controller and have to be provided as a comma seperated list (vxlanController.names).

The vxlanController.ip section can be provided by a list of configurations. Three types are available. One for assigning a static IP address to an interface, the second to add a bridge and bind interfaces to them and the third to set interfaces to state up or down.

Additionally vxlanController.staticRoutes can be configured with a list of static routes as strings to be configured in the default routing table of the pod.


A GRE or GRETAP interface can be added for tunneling of IP or Ethernet traffic respectively.

For example:

  enabled: true
  remoteip: <ip of remote host>
  localip: <local ip>
  # It is recommended to use a name different than `gre0`.
  # This might already have be added by loading a kernel module
  name: <name of the interface to be created>
  # if Ethernet traffic shall be tunneled,
  # a GRETAP interface has to be used instead of a GRE interface
  gretap: <true | false>


VRRP based on keepalived can be activated and configured. It is possible to create multiple instances, but the names and router ids have to be different.

For example:

  enabled: true
    # virtual IP address
  - vip:
    # instance name, must only be adjusted for parallel VRRP sessions
    name: instance01
    interface: eth0
    # route id, must only be adjusted for parallel VRRP sessions
    virtual_router_id: 50
    # priority, should differ between routing functions
    priority: 50
    authPath: secret
    # interval in which to send gratuitous ARPs in seconds.
    # 0 for no refreshing.
    master_refresh: 10
    # default state on startup (MASTER|BACKUP, default: MASTER)
    state: BACKUP

PCAP [alpha]

To capture traffic in the pod, you have to enable pcap and configure it using environmental variables as described in the pcap container documentation:

  enabled: true
    IFACE: "eth0"
    DURATION: "300"
    FILTER: "80"
    FILENAME: "http"

Rclone [alpha]

To publish traffic captured by the pcap container, you have to enable rclone along pcap and configure it using environmental variables. Use RCLONE_REMOTE_NAME to use the correct remote and RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH for the correct destination path. Rclone is defined generically through the container environment. To find the name of the environment variable, first, take the long option name, strip the leading --, change - to _ make upper case and prepend RCLONE_. All available endpoints are described in the official rclone documentation. An inotify-pattern is watching for captures, moving them from the directory /data/finished.

This container example-configuration enables authorisation for SFTP through username and password:

  enabled: true
    RCLONE_REMOTE_NAME: "sftp" #Mandatory, when defining multiple devices, this is your selector.
# sftp
    RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_HOST: "host.com" #hostname or ip of sftp-server
    RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_PASS: "password" # Encoded "password". Leave blank to use ssh-agent

SFTP can also be authorised using private keys. Setting useSSHkeyFile will look for the secret rclone-ssh-key in the appropriate namespace and mount it to /etc/ssh in the containers filesystem. Rclone will look for the file using RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_KEY_FILE- environment variable.

  enabled: true
  useSSHkeyFile: true
    RCLONE_REMOTE_PATH: "name/directory"
    RCLONE_REMOTE_NAME: "sftp" #Mandatory,
    RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_HOST: "host.com" #hostname or ip of sftp-server
    RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_PASS: "" # Encoded, blank for agent.
    RCLONE_CONFIG_SFTP_KEY_FILE: "/etc/ssh/key.pem"

Note that this secret rclone-ssh-key is not created automatically when deploying this helm chart, but needs to be manually prepared by the user like so:

kubectl create secret generic rclone-ssh-key --from-file=/path/to/key.pem -n <namespace>

This container example-configuration enables authorisation for s3 through access-key and secret-access-key:

  enabled: true
    RCLONE_CONFIG_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "<sensitive>"
    RCLONE_CONFIG_S3_REGION: "s3-<region>"
    RCLONE_CONFIG_S3_ACL: "private"

Note that using rclone_move implies that transferred files will be removed from the source path data/finished. This keeps the containers memory-footprint manageable and enables file-cycling. If the process crashes during transfer no garbage data will remain on the destination address and you will notice a Terminated in the container log. When attempting to push duplicate files they will be removed from the source path but not overwritten/modified on the destination if MD5/SHA checksums and file-name are the same on both ends. Be aware this can cause data loss, if you were happen to lose access to the data at destination. Consider testing first using the --dry-run flag.

Router Advertisement Daemon

To enable router advertisement of IPv6 routing CGWs, enable the daemon as follows:

  enabled: true
  config: |
    <add configuration here>

The configuration is described in the radvd documentation itself.


The monitoring component of CGW supports ICMP echoes to defined endpoints and exposes it via an http endpoint in prometheus format.

By default the component will send pings to the address stated in ipsec.remote_ping_endpoint from the address configured in ipsec.local_ping_endpoint.

A service will be exposed and will be scraped automatically by common configured prometheus instances.

By default the service will be called <release name>-cgw and the metrics will be available at http://<release name>-cgw:9427/metrics

Configure targets

To configure additional targets or source addresses, you have to configure the values as follows:

    - sourceV4:          # Source address of ICMP requests
      sourceV6: "2001:0DB8:1::1"   # Source address of ICMP requests
      pingInterval: 5s             # interval for ICMP requests
      pingTimeout: 4s              # timeout for ICMP requests
      pingTargets:                 # list of ICMP targets
        - pingTarget:
        - pingTarget:
    - sourceV4:
      sourceV6: "2001:0DB8:2::2"
      pingInterval: 5s
      pingTimeout: 4s
        - pingTarget:
        - pingTarget: "2001:0DB8:2::10"

All parameters are required!

For more informations refer to the ping-exporter documentation.

When targets are set in this way, the usage of ipsec.remote_ping_endpoint and ipsec.local_ping_endpoint will be automatically disabled.

disable ping-prober

If ping-exporter is configured (see above) the ping-prober can be disabled. If the manual IPSEC configuration is used, the ping-prober MUST be disabled.

Disable the ping-prober:

  enabled: false

Pod wide configurations

additional pod annotations

Besides the default annotations to the pod, you can add additional ones by adding:

  <your annotations here>

enable IPv6 routing

The additional annotations can be used to enable IPv6 Routing by setting:

  security.alpha.kubernetes.io/unsafe-sysctls: net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding=1,net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

Run CGW on exclusive nodes:

For activate this features setup nodeSelector and tolerations:

  cgw-service: "true"

- key: "node-role"
  operator: "Equal"
  value: "cgw-services"
  effect: "NoSchedule"

And add label and taint to the right nodes, for example on node1:

kubectl label nodes node1 cgw-service=true
kubectl taint nodes node1 node-role=cgw-services:NoSchedule


debug container

By default a debug container with networking tools will be created.

If this is not desired, disable it as follows:

  enabled: false