
Python 3 IRC bot

Primary LanguagePython

	Install these dependencies.

	Debian (wheezy):

	Fedora (17):

	Copy config.yaml.example to config.yaml. Edit.
	`./pbot.py` (run with -d to daemonize)

EVE price checker:
	Download the latest invTypes.sql.bz2 file from https://www.fuzzwork.co.uk/dump/
	Install mysql-server (or mariadb-server)
	`mysql -u root -p`
		create database eve;
		grant all on eve.* to eve@localhost identified by 'eve';
	`bunzip2 -c invTypes.sql.bz2 | mysql -u eve -peve eve`

	You will need oursql but this is not packaged nor will pip/easy_install find the right version.
	I recommend downloading and extracting the zip at https://launchpad.net/oursql/py3k
	On Debian, install libmysqlclient-dev (even if you're running MariaDB)
	On Fedora, install mysql-devel (or MariaDB-devel)
	On both, install python3-pip
	cd into the oursql directory and then run
	Debian: `pip-3.2 install .`
	Fedora: `pip-python3 install .`