
A lightweight utility function that simplifies the process of merging Tailwind Classes

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tailwind Classnames

npm npm NPM

twc aka tw-classnames is a lightweight utility function that simplifies the process of merging Tailwind Classes while also supporting conditional classes within objects.


You can install twc via npm or yarn:

npm install tw-classnames
# OR
yarn add tw-classnames


Import twc into your JavaScript or TypeScript code:

const twc = require('tw-classnames');
// OR
import twc from 'tw-classnames';

Merging Duplicate Classnames

twc allows you to smartly merge duplicate Tailwind classes.

const mergedClasses = twc('bg-blue', 'text-white', 'p-4', 'bg-green');
// Output: 'text-white p-4 bg-green'

Conditional Classes

twc supports conditional classes within objects. This is especially useful when you want to apply different classes based on certain conditions.

const isActive = true;
const classes = twc('bg-blue-500', 'text-white', { 'font-bold': isActive });
// Output: 'bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold'

Dependency Libraries

twc internally uses two popular libraries:


twc is open-source and released under the MIT License.