
VLIRT starter (Vite, Laravel, Inertia, React, Tailwind)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


VLIRT-Starter (vite, laravel, inertia, react, tailwind)

The most lightweight, vanilla template for Laravel, Inertia, React, Vite, & Tailwind CSS (JIT)

It's designed to save you 30 mins of setup time for a new fullstack project.

We aim for peace of mind by ensuring that nothing is:

  • included unnecessarily
  • behaving like dead weight
  • configured in a way that you can't easily change

I dislike templates that 'add too much', or use poorly documented non-standard setup, so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. There shouldn't be anything that you would ever want to remove from this starter, if VLIRT is what you're going for.

Got contribution ideas? Found something that's a pain point? I'd love to hear them in the issues tab :)

Really Quick Start

Open in Gitpod

Quick Start

This is if you are running locally. You could also just generate a repo from this template and open it in GitPod.

# or use the template button on this repo
git clone

# setup laravel installation (I recommend Valet on macOS)
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate

# ensure that your database is setup before running this
php artisan migrate

# keep this running in the background while developing,
# but access the site via your usual link (not localhost:3000 which this will generate)
npm install
npm run dev

Steps Used to Create This Template

Ie, what would you need to do if you didn't want to use this template?

  1. Create a new Laravel Project (I used this as a vanilla starting point)
  2. Install Laravel Breeze using the React preset
  3. Boot Laravel Mix and replace it with Vite
  4. Setup Tailwind CSS in JIT mode
  5. Setup hot-reloading for all routes

TODO: planning a small blog post detailing a step-by-step walkthrough to create this template yourself if you really wanted to.

Documentation for Included Libraries

Notes & caveats

  • The original GitPod template was generated using curl -s "https://laravel.build/example-app" | bash then moving the contents down to the root directory.
  • ./gitpod.yml updates APP_URL in the .env with the workspace address.
  • ./gitpod.yml launches the Laravel server bound to so that the server is accessible in Gitpod.


  • Add proper documentation for the template and changes made
  • Document points-of-note regarding @-alias, blade-template hot-reloading
  • Document how to create a production build
  • Document how to deploy to production
  • Attend to TODO items in the code
  • Improve auto-setup for GitPod


  • Keep the setup as simple and vanilla as possible
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest version of Laravel (last checked 31/07/2021)
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest version of Tailwind CSS (last checked 31/07/2021)
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest versions of Vite, React, & Inertia (last checked 31/07/2021)