
The Post love extension fo PhpBB 3.1

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status Coverage Status

Post Love


Add "like"/love (as it uses small heart) to the posts.
As a popup you can see who have liked/loved the post.


    - Show small heart under every post
    - Toggle like/love
    - Show as tooltip who have loked the post
    - Show how many posts the user liked in mini profile
    - Show ho many of the user posts have been liked in mini profile

    - Enable/disable main CSS (CSS classes can be redefined
    - Allow showing of liked posts count in mini profile (postview)
    - Allow showing of user's posts that have been liked count in mini profile (postview)


- create $phpbb_root/ext/anavaro folder
- cd $phpbb_root/ext/anavaro
- git clone https://github.com/satanasov/postlove.git
- Go to admin panel -> customize -> extensions -> install post love


@phpbb-es aka Raul [ThE KuKa]

Submitting translations/functions

Please fork the repo and submit every translation/patch as Pull Request.