Twitter like social media site using .NET Core 3.1, Razor Pages and Web Api Controllers.
This web app was developed very quickly (less than 7 days) and the core functionaity is in place, however as always some tasks are outstanding. See here for remaining task -
Here is a video demoing the different features -
- Go to ./Network/Network folder and run
dotnet restore
(Install dependencies) - Go to ./Network/Network.Data/ folder and run
dotnet ef database update -s ..\Network\
(We use Sqlite as a database) - Go to ./Network/Network folder and run dotnet watch run (Run web app in watch mode)
Navigate to ./Network.Data/ folder run dotnet ef migrations add add-likes -s ..\Network\
-s flag mark the startup path
Navigate to ./Network.Data/ folder run dotnet ef database update -s ..\Network\